Write for us – Technology Blog

One of the things that help make this website so successful is the content that fills it. Although we originated as a user generated content site, we now tend to fill most of the content ourselves but we are now accepting good-quality guest posts from contributing authors!

We’ve spent a lot of time making sure that everything that goes on our site is really special and exactly what our readers want to see. However, in recent months, we’ve discovered that allowing other writers to contribute has strengthened and broadened the value of our content and has really enriched the strategy of the site.

So now, we are looking for guest bloggers and writers to add content to our tech site and help us to make MD Help Serve one of the best technology blogs/websites on the internet!

Guest blogging is a great way for us to get content and for you to raise your profile and get your words seen by some of the thousands of people that visit MD Help Serve every month.

We’re always looking out for new and talented writers and accept guest blogs on an ongoing basis. If you think you’ve got what it takes, fill in the contact form below and we’ll discuss your options.

The Process

If you want to submit a guest post to MD Help Serve, it couldn’t be easier! If you’re confident in your writing and with your tech knowledge,  we’re happy for you to send a full piece straight to us. If you’re a  bit newer to the game, it would probably be best if you run a topic by one of us first.

The aim is to write high-quality, relevant and engaging articles that people will genuinely want to read and enjoy.

Once you’ve sent your article or topic idea, we’ll assess it as a team and give you the green light. Once that’s been done, we aim to get all pieces up within 24 hours.

What Your Article Needs to Be

We try to encourage people to be as creative as possible so we don’t like to impose so many ‘rules’ per se. But there are a few indicators of quality which are a standard for all articles that are submitted to the site.

  • Try and make the article more than 500 words long. The longer the better as it pays to go into as much detail as possible when writing an article for us.
  • Make the title engaging – the title is going to be what is going to make people click on the article so having it be intriguing is always a bonus.
  • It must be relevant to the general theme of the blog, we are a tech site and the content must reflect that.
  • If you can provide high quality, royalty free images that will be a bonus. Images can make or break an article.

And that’s all there is to it really! Don’t get too hung up on too many rules, have some fun with it! The more original and interesting your idea is, the more likely we are to be interested in publishing it!

Topics You May Want to Write About

The more varied and interesting the topics that are covered on the blog, the wider of an audience that will visit us – which is great!

So there may be plenty of things that you are an expert in that you can use to contribute to the blog! Have a read of some of the posts and see what you think, there may be something you think is missing or something you think you can cover in more detail!

Here are topics we’ve accepted in the past and ones we’re looking to cover in the near future:

  • Building computers
  • Anti-virus software
  • Staying safe online
  • Coding
  • WordPress Hacks
  • Tech accessories
  • Hardware comparisons
  • Phone comparisons
  • Online programmes
  • Beginner guides

Don’t think of this as an exhaustive list, in fact, we’ll be more impressed if you stray from these topics and come up with something totally out the box and original!

So send us a message with a topic pitch or full written article and we’ll discuss the conditions.

